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Peacenik Elton John advocates violence

Only a few short weeks ago, Sir Elton lost his cool and called the Taiwanese press "rude, vile pigs." He was so angry that the press was laying in wait for him at Taipei's Chiang Kai-shek International Airport, that he lashed out with the following:

"Rude vile pigs," shouted the star, who was to perform in the capital, Taipei. "Do you know what that means? Rude vile pigs. That's what all of you are."

One of the photographers shouted back, "Why don't you get out of Taiwan?"

Elton John answered, "We'd love to get out of Taiwan if it's full of people like you. Pig! Pig!"

Now Sir Elton has attacked one of his own, by suggesting that Esther, The Material Girl be shot!

Now, Elton, I'm just as flustered by lip-synching as the next Madge fan, but can't we just give her life in prison instead? There is some good news to come out of this story, though, as Esther's publicist Liz Rosenberg says, "Elton John remains on her [Madge's] Christmas card list." Do Kabbalahcultists send Christmas cards?