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Team America: World Police

(via Drudge) White House anger at Hollywood election surprise: Paramount puppet movie to mock terror war.

Seems like there isn't much of a sense of humor on the Right either these days. Those South Park boys (Trey Parker & Matt Stone) have thrown together a new movie called "Team America" that does appear to mock the war on terror. However, anyone who has ever watched South Park knows that Parker & Stone attack the political left as much, if not more so, than they do the political right. They are absolutely equal opportunity offenders, and I can respect that.

I just watched the trailer and it looks like it might be pretty damn funny, and I'll probably see it. Hell, if I can sit through Baseketball, I can handle anything.

They must have been particularly stoned when they came up with the idea of an action flick comprised entirely of marionettes.