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Sunday News Roundup

Well, I'm usually not allowed blogging time on the weekends, so I'll use this quick window of opportunity to provide a cynical news-of-the-day roundup.

The terror alert status has been raised from Bert to Ernie as the Bureaucracy of Homeland Security has put U.S. Financial Institutions on high alert in NYC & Washington. Would you go to work tomorrow if one of your buildings had been mentioned as a target? Interesting question.

In a related story, just last week, Head Bureaucrat Tom Ridge suggested that he may resign. His $175,000 salary simply isn't enough to put his two kids through college. I wonder how that salary compares to his salary as Governor of Pennsylvania - I would imagine it's quite a raise. Perhaps he doesn't get as much in the way of kickbacks in D.C.

What's the question most folks are asking this weekend: Did Lurch get a bounce from last week's charade in Boston?

The answer is an emphatic NO according to the left's beloved CNN/USA Today polling crew. In fact, Bush's lead increased to 50% to 46% over Lurch & John Boy. Therefore, not only was there not a bounce, but the bounce bounced the other way.

And speaking of Lurch, he's promising NOT to send any more troops to Iraq. If anyone knows how to lose a war, it's Lurch. Perhaps we can send him over there so he can commit some more war atrocities of his own - I'm sure he's missed it over the last 35 years or so. Oh yeah, I guess he's been busy committing legislative atrocities in the Senate during that time. By the way, Lurch, Nader isn't quitting yet, so look out.

And, in unsurprising news, the Religion of Peace blew up several Christian churches in Baghdad and Mosul today, killing at least 2 and injuring 60+ others. Tune in, as I'm sure President Junior will be on TV soon, talking about how islam is a religion of peace and love. (If you just ignore the fact that they are constantly killing infidels in the name of their beloved jihad)

That's the roundup for now. Enjoy the weekend.