Swift Vets taking the gloves off
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The group of Anti-Kerry Vietnam Vets - known commonly as the Swift Vets - have finally unveiled their first TV advertisement.
And it's a damn good thing they've done so. For these guys, the only way they're going to get their message out is by running TV ads.
The reasons are simple: First, the Old Media wouldn't touch them with a 40-foot pole. The Old Media will ramble on and on about "war hero this" and "purple heart that", but they won't talk to the vast majority of veterans who actually served with him and know what an egg-sucking dog he truly is.
Additionally, though they've released a new book, Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry, the majority of American's can't read because they spent their formative years in government schools learning about self-esteem and diversity instead of the mechanics of building an intellect, which includes learning how to read.
To reach those uninformed "swing voters", the right's only real option is television advertising. Talk radio helps, but most talk radio listeners are already better informed than the general populace (yes, even the mental midgets who listen to what's left of air america).
What is their message you ask? Their two main issues are Kerry's exaggerations/lies about war crimes and his questionable purple hearts. For more details and documentation, visit their website, www.swiftvets.com.
I'm still waiting on Kerry to be prosecuted for the war crimes he admits he committed. I guess I'll be waiting a while.
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