Six Meat Buffet

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Moonbat roundup

Bill at INDC has posted part two of Dances With Moonbats - Moonbat Extreme!

Jeff at Beautiful Atrocities brings us another choice billboard and a national protest this Sunday - because Bush was Selected, Not Elected!

Go enjoy the moonbattery. Besides, what else are you going to do, college football season is over, so now Saturdays are back to sucking.


Check out 51 Capital March's southeastern instructional page. Aside from the organizers' inability to spell Tennessee, there is a list of dos and don'ts for all the DU types that will be in attendance. It's a time like this I wish I still lived in Nashville, so that I could do my own moonbat resarch! If any of my Nashville homies have time tomorrow, go down to the capital and take some photos for me.