Six Meat Buffet

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A few quickies as the flood waters recede

Don't bring a rifle to a tank fight - Aaaarrrgggghhhh! has video of overmatched insurgent going off to meet his 72 virgins. Hope they don't mind the charred carcass.

Chad engages in truly inspiring investigative journalism.

Jeff at BA sends Maureen Dowd a Xanax-laced Christmas card. Yeah, I said Christmas, Maureen.

International House of Jawas provides this link where you can vote for Team America: World Police in the People's Choice Awards. Go vote for it. It's the funniest movie of the decade.

Michelle Malkin notes that President Junior is keeping Norman Mineta as Transportation Secretary. Junior keeps flushing the toilet, but some of those nuggets just won't go down, will they Junior?

Jen tells us that a Norwegian court has acquitted a rapist because he said he was "asleep." The judges could not "rule out the possibility". Now there's a justice system we should emulate. Government-approved sleep-raping is soon to be all the rage in Norway - right next to Neo-Nazism.

Until tomorrow...