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Can consertive be this stupid?

I couldn't let this comment die in the archives. Here is the original post from way back in August: Leftists Recoil at 9/11 Images.

The comment is from Lenny. I don't quite know what the hell he was talking about, but it looks as if it could qualify as performance art - it is included without modification.

Your in a street braul with a bunch of your buddies. Some guy with a bat bashes in one of your friends head. You and your buddies surround him and are just about to pounce on him (lets call him Osama Bin Laden). When some other firend shows up (lets cal him George Bush). Says hey everybody lets go over here and beatup these guys because they are ass holes too. You and your buddies turn and start fighting with these other ass holes. Now who's fault is it if the guy that you had just sorrounded comes back with the bat comes back and clobbers you on the back of the head?

Can consertive be this stupid?

Maybe someone else can explain what he's talking about.